22:45 - 00:00

Bounds Of Modesty

Bounds Of Modesty

An unmistakable international sound, pop hooks and a stadium rock atmosphere anchored by deeply personal experiences - Amsterdam pop rock. The four juvenile spirits from Bounds Of Modesty have been through a lot together: touring Europe in their early 20's, recording a feature film soundtrack and releasing an emotional full-length album complete with 14 music videos. Next to catchy singles like 'The Heart Wants', 'Medicine' and 'Lost Love', the band is known for its strong multimedia process, from self-made documentaries and tour diaries to short films, animations and merchandising. It's been a year since the satisfying launch of 'The Family We Choose', a skin deep journey into the boys' past family losses and life lessons, and it became clear the only way forward was upward. After returning from a 3-month tour in Los Angeles, lead singer Callum Stamp couldn't wait to infuse Bounds Of Modesty with fresh, colorful and progressive new ideas. The next chapter of the band is a simple commitment to music: new singles, heart-pounding live shows and fan-engaged social content. Our goal has always been to let audiences celebrate their sense of belonging in the world and to be a shoulder in the worst of times, and we'd love to do it with a partner that believes in us. If this global situation has taught us anything, it's that everyone can use a little more love right now. If you're up for an unforgettable adventure, please email info@boundsofmodesty.com

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De Hoornse Stadsfeesten maakt geen winst en is een non-profit organisatie die compleet afhankelijk is van donateurs, sponsoren, vrijwilligers én van jouw euro. Dit allemaal omdat samen zoveel leuker is en écht iedereen kan genieten van een een prachtig weekend.